Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yeah I know... Updates of some sort

I have been rather absent for the last few weeks. I apologize, I have been massively under the weather.

On August 13th, 2008; I had my last surgery, supposedly to be out of the hospital the very next day, but as usual with me, things got a bit complicated and I ended up staying in the hospital until tuesday, yeah, 6 darned days.....

More complications, more blood transfusions, more medications, more poking and probing, yeah my arms have the proof.... Black and blues all over the place. Nobody seems to be able to make a decent IV puncture on me. Well, maybe because I had run out of decent veins, when you are anemic, well your veins are plain dry.

Now the question would be, How do I feel now? I have no clue! I have no real pain, I mostly feel bloated and constantly uncomfortable. It's difficult to stand up for more than 5 minutes straight. I barely get any sleep (thanks to the meds the doctors gave me) I am tired 24/7. I can hardly eat solid foods without getting nausea, well that is actually getting better, now I can eat, but as Gid is my witness, I can't go into the kitchen to cook for my life. I get very fatigued just thinking about it.

My hero through all this has been my Horacio, I don't know how he's doing it. He works like a maniac, comes home to cook for us, clean up, take care of me and tends to my every need. He's been so slefless throught all this. I love him.

Our move to Argentina is still in place, maybe couple of weeks delayed right now. Finances are very tight, he's the only one bringing money into the household. I can't wait till I can go back out to work, maybe couple of weeks, I really don't know much about that. Some people say it should take 3-4 weeks after surgery, some other say that 6-8 weeks is what I need to feel A-OK. Right now I am leaning to the latter.

By the way, I forgot, my HD controller in my desktop went bananas so, while I know what the problem is, we curently have no moolah to fix it. So it will have to wait. So now I only have the darn laptop, which I dislike with passion.... ewwwww, but it will have to wait.

Well this is a sorta update for the people that have been asking where the heck did I go. Until I have the strengh to get back up on the computer and write, this will have to do.

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